Application Tracker

Enabling Michigan residents to track their benefits applications, each step of the way


each year, more than 2.5 million Michigan residents access public benefits to help put meals on the table, access affordable childcare, and ensure their families stay healthy


a lack of transparency about their application status kept residents in limbo while waiting for their benefits determination

To unlock essential support for their families, most residents are motivated to do everything they can to ensure their applications are successful. But once residents submitted their applications there were no clear next steps.

the challenge

residents were in the dark while they waited to receive essential support

Without a way to track their case, applicants waited to receive letters in the mail at each step of the way. This led to state workers fielding phone calls every day from residents who checked in on their applications and sought to clarify next steps.

People want to know that their application is not lost in a pile of 1,000 other applications – that it has been seen.

— Michigan resident

Our goal was to design an online application tracker so that residents could follow the status of their case in real time, and complete required actions


to inform the tracker design, we conducted in-depth research to understand how individuals navigate the application process

user research

We engaged applicants, frontline staff, and community partners to understand their needs

Civilla spoke directly with applicants, as well as with navigators in community organizations, to understand the experience people have while waiting for their application to be processed. We also observed interactions in office lobbies and shadowed frontline staff as they worked through applications and answered calls. This research lifted up the challenges that each group faced at different stages in the application process.

Applicant needs

real-time case updates

Without digital status alerts as part of the online enrollment process, it was difficult for applicants to know where they were on their path to receiving benefits. Clear, timely, and action-oriented information would give residents peace of mind about their application status and next steps.

It was hard to know if there was a next step or not without reaching out to a caseworker.

— Michigan resident

Staff needs

lower burden for customer service

It was challenging for frontline staff to manage their high caseloads with people frequently calling and visiting the office to ask for status updates on their application. 

For those who are able to navigate online tools, it serves as an invaluable resource, reducing the need for phone inquiries. However, for residents who may not be able to use online tools, the tracker effectively freed up staff capacity, allowing for more personalized, hands-on support. This enhanced overall service delivery and reduced the strain on staff. 


Civilla worked alongside MDHHS to design a benefits application tracker within the online portal

inspiration from the domino's pizza tracker

The Domino's pizza tracker is an online tool that lets customers monitor the progress of their pizza order in real-time, from preparation to delivery. People love it because it provides transparency and reassurance, showing exactly when their pizza will arrive. 

We wondered: what if this technology were transferred to support benefits delivery too? We drew on this inspiration to design a benefits application tracker that provides residents with start-to-finish updates in one centralized place. 

rapid prototyping

Grounded in a strong understanding of user needs, Civilla began prototyping application tracker designs. We moved quickly throughout the process. Leveraging insights from user research, we were able to develop proofs of concept in two months’ time. We iteratively tested designs with residents and staff to ensure the tracker met their needs and was easy to use.

We designed the benefits application tracker around four primary milestones:

  • Application received — the application was submitted and registered in the state's system
  • Appointment scheduled — an appointment was scheduled for the resident to conduct an interview with a caseworker
  • Additional documents required — the applicant needs to upload more information, such as a pay stub
  • Eligibility determination made — the application was either approved or denied

Quick links associated with each milestone provided applicants with additional information on what was required to move forward. The tracker covered Michigan's five largest benefit programs including: healthcare, food assistance, cash assistance, child care and state emergency relief. 


after completing designs for the application tracker, Civilla handed off recommendations to MDHHS for implementation

navigating technical feasibility

The state undertook many months of internal technical work to bring the application tracker to reality. The project required coordination across policy, legal, and operations to ensure that the system aligned with programmatic needs. In addition, MDHHS developed a new API that allowed critical information to be pulled without impacting system performance, all while preserving the original vision of the tracker. This collaborative effort not only made implementation possible but it also resulted in the creation of reusable tools, such as the API, which will support future improvements to the MI Bridges platform.


Using the benefits tracker, residents can easily manage their application progress, and frontline staff spend less time managing calls and questions


benefits recipients each year


hits to the application tracker each week


drop in calls shortly after launch" to clarify that this represented a specific moment in time
The application tracker gives you some hope. It’s coming, at least a decision will be made by that time.

— Michigan resident


Michigan is the first state in the nation to offer an application tracker for public benefits

building on years of expertise and collaboration

Civilla and MDHHS brought the tracker to life by pairing a clear-eyed understanding of feasibility considerations with a shared commitment to creating collaborative, people-centered processes for Michigan residents. 

We are optimistic that other states can adapt the designs to develop their own application trackers, helping more residents across the U.S. access benefits with greater confidence and transparency.

This innovative tool will allow residents to know the exact status of their benefits application 24/7 and help them prepare for any next steps.

— Elizabeth HertelMDHHS Director